Hello and welcome to the newly revamped site.
I hope you like it.
When I first put this site together several years ago, I was working building a business by cold calling leads, genalogy leads to be precise. I never had the kind of success I wanted from that process — even if I could do, so few people that I sponsored would be willing to follow suit — that I spent the next few years searching for ways to build effectively.
The process for building a business is simple, and is documented on this site (expose – present – validate – sponsor and train). The vast majority of your time needs to be spent on the exposure step, since this is what fills your funnel. The cold calling exposure step works for many, but I’ve had much better luck with self generated leads, almost exclusively online.
I’ll be taking time to share what I’ve learned over the years about creating leads, and other simple exposure steps that don’t involve any rejection. If we can keep it simple, eliminate rejection, then we’ll achieve duplication — the holy grail of network marketing.
So, stay tuned, I’ll be doing a brain dump over the next few weeks, and fleshing out the overviews as well.